Every client is unique and has their own story and agenda. For this reason booking a counselling session should be as easy as possible. Below you see a list of possible topics to inspire reflection or find a starting point. Even if your topic is not listed, please feel free to use the contact form, email or phone to reach out.
The service is offered in English and German.
* All Psychological Sessions will be held and billed via PsyMetta a licensed health care provider. For this reason there is no VAT taken for this service. You can check the valid license via VALVIRA by entering the following number: 00903916245.
Self-care and Me-time is essential to a balanced lifestyle. For that reason 2 Kind Minds offers single sessions for people who want to book a private session or group sessions. The immediate effect of lowering stress and reducing tension will last for several hours after the event.
The service is offered in English and German.
What you have once learned will be always be with you.
Learning the PMR as an effective tool to regulate the stress level, is a great way to become more independent and self-reliant.
Committing to our goals and follow through is often hard when stress and everyday life seem to force us back into default mode. However there are some easy tools which can help you to stay on track.
The service is offered in English and German.
Some information has a greater impact when it is shared with a larger audience. This way it can spark discussion and exchange of many new ideas. Webinars are ideal for creating this interactive environment.
The service is offered in English and German.